Network Automation Nerds Podcast
Network Automation Nerds Podcast
#031: Interview with DevNet Dan, Part 1
Hello Network Automation Nerds! Today on the show, we will be talking to Danny Wade, a.k.a. DevNet Dan, also a self-proclaimed network automation nerd. Judging by that account, it is long overdue we have Danny on the show!
Danny is a long-time friend of the show and an active contributing member of the network automation community. He actively blogs and streams his projects and learning. His most recent project, NetCheck, combines his passion for Python and Networking.
In part 1 of this 2-part interview, Danny talks about his path into technology and how he discovered his passion for network engineering.
I am super excited to have Danny on the show today, and I know we will have a great time chatting. Let’s dive right in!
Follow Danny on Twitter: https://twitter.com/devnetdan
Connect with Danny on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielcwade/
Dan’s Net-Textorial Project: https://github.com/dannywade/net-textorial
Check out Danny’s GitHub Projects: https://github.com/dannywade/
Get to know Danny on his website: https://devnetdan.com/
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